Tuesday, 13 January 2015

Self Initiated menu brief - Contextualization and the final concept

Here is the menu fully printed out with the two masks either side, they look good together but what could make this even better?

If the menu now came with an interior!!!

I apologize but there aren't any sketches at all for the interior as I did not have much time to throw it together but it turned out pretty good. I sampled some food options from an existing Mexican restaurant in London called Wahaca. click for website

 I re-wrote the text and picked various dishes I liked so as to make it as unique as possible. I took the check pattern from the outside of the menu and made it black and grey so it was easier to read the text and then I just drew all over it digitally, filling the gaps with similar elements from the outside cover.

This just polished off the whole piece and made it look totally believable, now the finishing touch.

 My cousins and their son were very kind to allow me 20 minutes of their time so that I could photograph them interacting with my menu as if they were out for a family meal, the first few shots are of their son as I wanted to contextualize the coloruing sheet and mask wearing.

The artist at work! 

Trying to decide what to have!

Taking the masks out for a spin. The image on the right is by far my favourite, that mask in particular was also a good choice as the expression makes him look as if he is having trouble trying to decide. 

Tried out the mask with eye holes and it does look good although I still prefer the one with cartoon eyes. The image on the left has the test flyer I made in the shot to show its use, when you are in a restaurant you normally have a little stand where the salt and pepper is stored and usually there are menus and things clipped to the top of it. You could even go as far to say that the design could go on napkins, if not that then a simpler version with maybe just the arrows or something along those lines.  

Trying to decide what to get for dessert! 

Happy days!
Menu fully opened and stomachs happily full! 

Finally I left them with some sheets to keep and colour in, I am truly thankful to my cousins for lending me their time and welcoming me into their home. They gave me the context that I needed for this brief to properly come to an end. 

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