I had an idea to create wrestling masks based on the characters that I had made for the menu, they could either be in black or white so that they kids could colour them in themselves or they could take the palettes from the menu and act as a plush "cut and make". Either way this menu needed something for kids to take home and keep as a memento.
My sketch folder has some basic sketches of wrestling masks which were inspired from my mood board below.
I found some pretty neat designs on Pinterest and the image on the far right was something defiantly worth looking into. It was a website that allows you to download all kinds of templates, I was especially interested in these designs because they were 3D and actually fitted around your head like a wrestling mask should. All I had to do was apply for a template with my email address and that was it. Once I got the template I completely changed the design and went over the shape to get the measurements correct, from that point I had a blank mask sized canvas to work with.
Before I got my hands on a template I decided that I would mock up mask digitally, above is my mask sketch. A bit too serious for my liking and it did not fit in with my menu at all but it was nice to try something out before I moved on to using templates.
These two are based on characters from my menu, I changed the template eye shape so that I could mimic the eyes that my characters have. In the top left hand corner of each image there is also the colour palette that was used for my menu so I could get the inks spot on.
And these two were just some that I made to try out some different patterns, these guys are a little more full on than the other two but it's nice to have a contrast between the two. Maybe the kids would get a choice before being seated. I also managed to give each of them different expressions as to characterize them and make them just that little bit more unique.
They look pretty awesome in real life also, I cut the eyes out of one so that it would work as a practical mask, it was pretty tight on my head although I guess they are designed for kids. I actually like the mask with the eyes as it can transform a normal person into a cartoon, Like so...
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