Wednesday, 28 January 2015

AD34 - Finding my way - monster inspiration

Way back when I first decided that I wanted to study the topic of monsters for my dissertation I did not really know where exactly to start as monsters have many sub genres and there are many debates over what is and what isn't a monster. I guessed that a mood board or two would be a good place to start my research as it might help me narrow the topic down to something that could fit into around 4000 words.

The topic of monsters has always been a favorite of mine because of it vast applications. Throughout my research boards I came across many a different monster, some were cute, some were nightmare inducing and a lot were based on cult classics like Frankenstein and Dracula. Either way there was a lot of variety here and that is a quality that I wanted my own artefact to have. I'd opted to do the artefact because it just made sense for me to create something especially when I am so keen on this topic.

Making mood boards became a little addictive, I wanted to explore the monster visually and see if I can find something interesting that would spark my imagination. The board above had some interesting hand made monsters like the felt ones in the top left hand corner, and the cut outs on the bottom left.

Another question popped up whilst I was looking for monster inspiration. When I come to illustrate my artefact, what style would be best?
I have two significantly different illustration styles and they would both work for this kind of theme but again I thought it best to maybe keep searching and the style would work its way out along the way.
The board above features a lot of illustrations that are slightly geometric and naive in style which I thought worked really well for the monster concept.

Nearing the end of my extensive monster research I was getting closer to an idea for the artefact. I knew that i'd want to draw a good number of monsters maybe in some kind of sequence. Perhaps something that would showcase monsters and their different forms.

Okay so the monster mood board extravaganza has been completed, throughout this study I came across monsters that pushed categorization to the very limit, a lot of variety and a lot of dynamic interpretations. The two detailed monster portraits going through the middle of the above board was an artists representation of famous rock stars, a pretty epic concept!
I decided at this point that I wanted to illustrate the way that monsters have changed throughout time, covering most classes of monster such as deities, mythical beasts, cult classics and so on.  I did not know at this point how large I wanted the timeline to but that is something I could figure out at a later time.

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