Over the summer I wanted to keep a constant flow of work
going to get me ready for the fast deadlines to come in the third year. I
wanted to keep it fun though and I would often draw my own stuff to stop me
from thinking that it was a chore. This however was not the case as I started
to enjoy creating my sketchbook pages for the upcoming module; I finally homed
in on a style or two that I am confident with and because of such I could just
jump straight in. A lot of the pages were just working from the text book that
we were given, I would take parts of the text and just go my own way with it
really. I also included a bunch of random things that I myself found during my
summer, there are a few pages dedicated to musician Bob Peck who just writes
these ridiculous yet catchy songs. There are also illustrations based on
nursery rhymes in there, they actually started the ball rolling and helped me
gain an idea of what I wanted to do for the chosen story task. I made a bunch
of posters over the summer as well, some were influenced by text from the book,
some were my own quotes that I found and others were just for fun.
The large ‘Bug Wars’ piece was lightly inspired by the
section of text about collective nouns for insects, one of which being an army
of ants. It’s also nice to reflect on these images now that the module is
almost over as another workshop involved us creating images based on those
collective nouns and my outcome was completely different.
The piece named ‘Under Da Sea’ was just for a laugh, I
wanted to see if I could make an image out of nothing, I did not map out the
composition of that image, my goal was to make up elements as I went along as
composite them accordingly. I think for a first attempt it turned out pretty
well and also helped me gain some ground when dealing with my synchronised
swimming workshop as it helped me understand how I emulate water.
The piece name ‘HYDE’ was another one for fun, I was looking
at monsters for my dissertation and Jekyll and Hyde was one of the more popular
searches, a lot of illustrations I found depicted the two characters within one
image which I found interesting. After getting inspired by these illustrations
I wanted to give myself the challenge of making my own depiction of Jekyll and
Hyde. This poster ended up being my favourite just because I feel that the
colours and my emulation of smoke really set the scene.
‘The Early Bird Catches the Worm’ was one of the more solid
images for me, it started off as just a doodle but I just couldn’t stop working
on it, it was a good training session that helped me speed up my process as
this image was completed within the day. After printing it out it got some good
feedback on my Instagram and Facebook page. Over the summer an art collective
group got in contact with me over Instagram and wanted to showcase one of my
pieces, they also wanted to make it into a tee shirt which was pretty awesome.
The guy never set an exact deadline for the submission and mentioned that I
could email him whenever I was ready. After starting the module I completely
forgot about it but once the hand in has happened I think I will use this image
for the tee shirt design, I get some percent of the sales if the sell any of my
shirts and it is free publicity which can’t really be frowned at.
The image named ‘MANTIS 3D’ was an image I made in response
to some text from the book about putting 3D glasses on a praying mantis to see
how they perceive depth, apparently they are the only insects to be able to do
such a thing. I thought this was fantastic and had to draw it out, in my sketch
folder there is a version that I attempted to make 3D but I wasn’t sure if it
actually worked. Either way I wanted it to look like a retro horror movie
poster and I think I captured that pretty well. One of my favourites from this
I worked on a bunch of other images and sketches over the
summer but as they are either on a digital space or on spare bits of paper I
would have found it hard to psychically include them in the project but all of
it has gone on one of my portfolio pages which I will include here just to
cover everything.
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