It took me a while to lighten up to it but i eventually came around and applied for a Tumblr account, it is actually pretty cool and has a surprising amount of customization options. It works the same kind of way as Instagram though Tumblr can be fully customized from within a web browser as well as from a phone. I chose Tumblr over Facebook because i felt like my work was more likely to get noticed through Tumblr because of the unique tagging system which does not really work so well on Facebook. I also wanted to use this site as a fresh new version of my Blogger, This blog will contain all of my developmental work along with some final pieces, the difference being that this blog will feature work that i also do in my spare time as apposed to Blogger which contains just work from college.
Tumblr comes with a bunch of cool presets concerning layout, font and general content. I managed to change my background to a mint green which matches the flow of my work throughout this blog, i like to use strong toxic colours when i create my images and green is one colour that i use a lot. My profile picture was taken from one of my recent images that i had made for the self promotion module, the green hills fit in perfectly with the green boarder that was given along with the green background. The chosen font also seems to work with my imagery, it looks a little quirky is slightly rough around the edges yet it is pleasing to look at. I chose this font because a lot of my line work is done using a brush pen and it has a similar line quality to that of the font.

As you can see the layout is incredibly similar to Instagram but this time my green background flows down both sides of the post which helps to keep the blog consistent. One really great feature that i like about Instagram and Tumblr is that they are able to share information between the two. As you can see above, my Hell Boy image which is on my Tumblr page comes with all the tags that are featured on my Instagram page, this is because i shared this image from Instagram. This feature is incredibly useful as i can update two of my web pages simultaneously which helps to keep my work both consistent and efficient. Below you can see the same image that is posted on my Instagram, both are very similar.
I have a personal Facebook page, i use it for keeping in contact with my friends but i occasionally upload some work there if i am particularly proud of it. Tumblr and Instagram allow me to also share my work to my assigned Facebook page which is a pretty good feature, i can also add a status to the image before posting it which can alter the post slightly to fit into the standard Facebook layout.
Here is a screen shot of my Facebook page, if we ignore the 'fitness motivation and bodybuilding' links on the left you can see that my Hell Boy image is present with all of the tags, it even tells viewers that it came from Instagram. Facebook obviously has a separate like and comment engine so any information like that from the other sites will not carry over onto this site, the likes and comments are separate.
I seem to have a lot more people liking the image on Facebook as opposed to Tumblr and Instagram, maybe this is because i have had this site for a lot longer, or maybe because a lot of my followers from Instagram are people who i do not know where i have only friends on Facebook.
Id thought about making a Facebook page for a while because it seemed like the easiest one to create, all of my friends are on Facebook and it would be easy for them all to see my work. I chose against making a Facebook page because i didn't really care much for the odd 'like' from people that i already know where as using an Instagram and Tumblr made it easier for my work to get noticed by people world wide.
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