Ben Aslett was one of the artists featured in the powerpoint presentation that we were shown at the start of stage two. At first i didn't really like his style because of it's simplicity, but now i can see that it is that feature which makes his work pop. Ben seems to work using a limited colour palette sometimes using only two colours. The simple vector shapes comes together to form cool little characters and i really like how he creates this noise around the edges to give off a really authentic printed look.
I can see that Aslett likes to use the empty space to colour various parts of his image which is a technique that i can use on my work which would allow me to gain an additional colour.
Aslett also uses the noise to give his characters life and i think that in the picture above he really utilizes the noise as it animates the guy screaming.

Simple semi circles are used here to create a wave, i should try out simple shape making to see what i can generate using as little effort as possible.
Jack Teagle was also featured in the powerpoint and i took a liking to him straight away. His characters are simple yet detailed, the body and facial features are drawn in a simplistic way whilst the definition utilizes a lot of detail.
I really like the different textures that Teagle creates in his images, his combination of curved and straight lines help to give the scene depth and body. Teagle seems to use a limited colour palette like Aslett though Teagle uses more shades of the same colour to seperate the characters.
I really like this one, the simplicity of the images work really well especially when they are all collected together like this. Teagle has a big series of prints like these, a lot of them include famous iconic characters such as the red power ranger, skeletor, Darth vader and spiderman. Printing this way would be something to experiment with though i could imagine that it would be hard to line up. These simple little characters look soo cool and are really effective so i think this is the direction that i would like to take with the second stage of my project.
This picture also reminds me of the work that Ben Newman did for one of the Nobrow magazines. Newman did a print with a load of monsters all mashed up together using simple shapes that are very similar to the print above though Newman used a lot more colour layers in his print.
This picture also reminds me of the work that Ben Newman did for one of the Nobrow magazines. Newman did a print with a load of monsters all mashed up together using simple shapes that are very similar to the print above though Newman used a lot more colour layers in his print.

I love the random chaos which is created here in this scene, again all of them are very simple but together they look great. I personally think that it is the unusual colour palette and the weird textures that really make Teagles work stand away from the background.
Ben Newman
Ben Newman has a very similar style to Ben Aslett when it comes to his prints. They both use a very limited colour palette and they use simple block shapes which overlap to make a character. Newman also utilizes the noise around the image to give the picture a authentic look.
Newman is known for his digital skills as well as his numerous collaborations with Nobrow. His graphic work is crude yet detailed and leaves nothing to the imagination. Newman really likes to experiment with the overlap of colours in his work and he likes to use the newly created colour to fill in the negative space as well as adding small details to his characters. I should look at what colours mix well together when they overlap, i could do this using photoshop and multiplying my layers.
Newman uses a wide colour palette throughout his work and although most of his prints are outrageously coloured, some of them are really subtle like this one.

This is one of Newmans more complex prints and it even has shading around the eyes which i think he generated using a colour overlap. I would really like to try and make my own characters in this style though i wouldn't be able to use as many colours because i will only have 1 screen.

This was the design that i mentioned near the start of the post. Newman has mashed up a load of monsters and weird creatures using this grid and a load of random shapes. I like how geometric it looks in it's early stages and you can really see how much effort he has put into each character. His blog contains all of the stages that he went through to get to the end result and it was pretty interesting to watch it come together.

This is the final image and it looks amazing!
i can definitely do something like this and i think it would be good for me to work really loose as i normally pay soo much attention to the lines and the detail. I need to start thinking about what elements i can have in my image, mayeb i should make a grid for my character ideas and to see how they interact with each other.
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